My dear brothers and sisters,
I'm not a good Muslim, not even a good followers of our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. As I wrote this, I was hoping that I don't have intentions of getting some attention. Hopefully this gonna be the most sincere things I ever write for the whole life. I might not have the power to go to the war, or giving charity, but I hope this is the very least thing I can do.
Yes, we all know how bad the condition of our poor brothers and sisters in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, or any other hostile countries. Palestine once again flood with blood, with Israeli bombarded with bomb and whatnot. But that's not what I want to say for now, since it's the news that everyone can read and watch. I don't need to make summary for what happen, since I know that you know best. For Allah sake, this is the time we'll see how strong relationship we have among us Muslims. We stood up together, believe that we have to fought for their rights. But I really hope that, this going to be long strong relationship and not for temporary just because for what happened right now. We have to stood up together as Muslims because that's the only way we have. We can't let those disbelievers to step on us anytime they want. We've been mock, insult, bullied for almost the rest of our lives. How long do you think we can survive this when every single day (not just today) for so many years we've been treating like strays? It's the time we have to fought for our rights. I don't say you have to raise up your guns, fight without strategies but there are sorts of means that we can do.
Remember this my dear brothers and sisters, Charles Martel used to say; "We will wait till they are all wanting to build great houses and castles, when they are all wanting to have housekeepers, when they're all fighting with each others for powers. That's the time we will defeat them, easily." See? They've been scheming for it for so many years and here we are today. Fall to every wealth and greed.
I saw this status post on a friend of mine. Yes, she is a Jewish which I'm not proud at all to have her in my friend list. But I still keep her there, so that she can see every likes I made about Palestine. She said; "I don't appreciate people who speak against us and wish for our destruction...". Oh, come on. See how much destruction your illegal country has made? You might not be part of the decision maker who make the decision, but then you still have shelter to hide in. A perfect hiding place, where my Palestinian brothers and sisters have no place to run at all. Your country destroyed every bits of their homes. How can you say that when you don't even go there to see what actually happen. You said, we learn from small to hate your people. But didn't it goes the same to you all that we're just a small piece of life that you can kill anytime you want? If you can talk about humanity, is killing innocent child is humane? Killing the innocent mothers is humane? Think again. Just put yourself in our shoes, if your family being bullied or being killed by others. How will you react? You'll be just like us.
To my dear non-Muslims friends,
I really appreciate to see how you see the things are. That's right you don't have to a Muslim to be sad of what happen. It's more than humanely things you ever can be to feel sorry for what is happening. It's better to have some feelings rather than not feeling anything at all including remorse. So I thanked you for that.
To all,
What I wrote here is not because I want to spread hatred but the reality. May be peace to all of us, who try to survive in this world. We might come from different continent, having different thoughts, but we're all come from one creator - Allah s.w.t. May we all being bless with His Love and Mercy. And let us keep on praying to our brothers and sisters in those countries; and also to all our brothers and sisters that having bad times in life. Those who syaheed, they already know their place. Jannah is waiting for them. But we; the one who still puffing the air, still have long road to go. Our place hasn't been decided just yet.
That's all, from me. Thanks for reading this.
note: To those who stumble upon this post of mine, you may share this if you're agree. Copy this and make it as yours. I don't want any credit for this. Have a nice day.
14 Ramadhan 1435
Cool People
July 12, 2014
Letter To My Brothers And Sisters
June 25, 2014
Salah Siapa?
Salam ukhwah sahabat sekalian,
It's been awhile to write on something over here. Semoga semuanya selamat dan sentiasa diberkati oleh Allah. Hurm, guess like always it's always a hard thing to start on something. Haha rasanya aku kena brush-up lagi skills untuk menulis ni. Apapun, aku nak ucapkan thanks pada korang2 yang still sudi baca apa yang aku tulis, walaupun aku tau kadang2 aku ni banyak merepek dari bercerita benda yang berfaedah. Banyak perkara yang dah berlaku sebenarnya, tapi bukan cerita pasal aku yang aku nak share. Tapi pasal seorang kawan. Well, there's always ups and downs in life. Kita selalu ckap dunia ni tak adil. Benda buruk selalu je jadi kat kita. Tipulah kalau korang tak pernah terlintas pun benda macam ni kat kepala. Jadi sebagai seorang yang suka observe org lain, menjadikan aku orang yang cepat je tangkap reaksi orang. Bukan nak bangga diri, tapi sbb apa yang aku nak cerita ni ada kaitan dengan ni.
Baik, berbalik pada cerita kehidupan tadi. Aku semalam bercerita dengan seorang kawan. Maksud aku dengar je cerita die. Tentang hidup dia and whatnot. Dia tak abeh2 cerita pasal love life (yang pada aku, apalah yang nk dikecohkan? Hidup bukan untuk 'love' semata-mata.) Tapi takpelah, kita dengar je. So, time die tengah bercerita tu, nampklah reaksi muka dia yang sebenarnya pada aku sgt innocent (maybe i was wrong). So, aku terpikir. Budak ni tak salah, yang salah pilihan yang dia buat. Timbul lak rasa kesian dekat dia. Tapi aku diam je, macam biasa sebab setiap komen yang aku buat selalunya akan buat orang rasa sakit hati. Tak lama lepas tu, dia cerita pasal Islamic Gothic. 1st time aku dengar pasal tu.
Aku cakap, kan perempuan Muslim kena pakai tudung? Then, dia jawab pakai tudung tu tak berdosa. Demi Allah, aku terkejut. Even tho, ikut ckp adik aku sbnrnye ad mazhab yang kata xpe xpakai tudung, cuma makruh. Still, for someone like me... aku percaya pada apa yang aku percaya. Kawan aku tu ye, Muslim. Pastu dia mula cerita pasal Islamic Gothic ni, dia suruh aku tgk pictures dekat google. Tapi aku bukan jenis yang suka nak percaya dengan gambar2, so aku bacalah sikit artikel pasal tu. Well not that quite understand actually, tapi satu je yang aku faham. Islam adalah Islam dan gothic adalah movement yang berasal dari Kristianiti. Dua benda yang tak boleh digabung. TAK BOLEH walau dengan apa caranya. Takkan halal cara yang sememangnya haram. Then, dia cakap kat aku, "I guess u won't join me". Dan betul, aku takkan join die.
Seriously, aku rasa dia betul jauh tersasar. Apa yang aku cerita kat sini, takde niat pun nak malukan dia atau apa. Cuma aku nak cakap, kesian sebab dia jauh tersasar macam ni. Aku betul nak tolong dia balik ke pangkal jalan, malangnya aku sendiri pun tak betul. Betul boleh terangkan dia apa yang dia percaya tu salah, tapi aku kena ada bukti yang kukuh. Sekurang-kurangnya aku faham dalil-dalil yang ada. Hadith dan Sunnah. Biar aku betul faham sebelum nak terangkan dekat orang lain. Sebab manusia selalu ada soalan yang takkan pernah ada titik. Betul, kita kena sampaikan pesanan walaupun satu ayat, tapi bukan ke kita kena cukup ilmu dulu sebelum buat macam tu.
Aku kadang-kadang terfikir, bila benda macam ni jadi siapa kita nak salahkan? Mak ayah atau diri sendiri? Persekitaran? Allah dah tunjuk jalan yang betul, tapi kitalah yang nak kena pilih jalan mana yang kita nak ambik, betul tak? Aku harap Allah s.w.t akan bukak hati dia untuk bertaubat. Dan semoga kita semua berada di bawah lindungannya. Dalam hal ni tak kisahlah siapapun yang bertanggungjawab, penyelesaian dia satu je. Tuntutlah ilmu tu. Bukan ilmu dunia je, tapi agama jugak.
Akhir kata dari aku, jagalah adik-adik kita, anak-anak kita dan seluruh ahli keluarga kita supaya mereka tetap berpegang pada tali Allah. Terputus tali tu, terputuslah hubungan kita dengan-Nya. Alangkah hinanya kita di bumi Tuhan ini.