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Cool People
December 10, 2009
October 12, 2009
Go-On Album Cover
October 11, 2009
Ni La Hero Rekaan Aku.... hua hua hua
September 05, 2009
Sejak balik kampung ni cam tak idup je blog ni... huahuahua ... Erm.... entry kali ni pon nak cite kan betapa tensen nye aku walau pun da balik kampung... alahaiiiii...
... Starting.. Balik umah mak cik ku... aduhai... Boring yang amat.. da la takde member... tido bangun tengah ari... pastu layan tv... pastu tido balik.... pastu makan... tu je la keje nye.. sib bek la akhirnye die suh aku pi masuk kelas... ade la gak kejenye... lega la sket
... Dan skang ni plak da masuk bulan Ramadhan... eh2... Da nak abeh pun Ramadhan ni...
sedar tak sedar... lagi dua minggu kita nak raye.... YEAH!!!! pape pun sementara pose tak abeh lagi ni... bio la den ucapkan... SELAMAT MENYAMBUT RAMADHAN AL MUBARAK...
August 01, 2009
Yosh!!! Balik Kampung Suda!!!
Euhehehe.. setelah sekian lama aku melepak kat sini dengan rasa tensennye ... akhirnya... dapat gak balik kampung
hahaha... sangat hepi... pastu leh la bersenang lenang
tapi sat je la... alahaii... tapi xpe.. yang penting... dapat
banyak-banyak... euhehehe... terharunye
... dapat balik kampung... pada sume kawan-kawanku... bye2.. den balik dlu... jangan ngumpat
den ok? jangan sedih2
... jangan
sebuk2 nak ikut.... beg den da berat sangat da... aishhh...
jangan tensen ok...?
pape pun.. korang sume tetap besttttt!!! good luck ntuk exam.. (dak2 umah ku sume... yang tengah presure2 sbb tengok aku ngemas2 kain baju segala..) and kt cik tipah trimas...
.. adoi.... bile la dpt jumpe korang lagi
.. waaa....
... pape pun.. sayang korang sume
July 30, 2009
Aqua Timez - Sen no Yoru wo Koete
Aisaretai demo aisou to shinai
Sono kurikaeshi no naka wo samayotte
Boku ga mitsuketa kotae wa hitotsu kowakutatte kizutsuitatte
Suki na hito ni wa suki tte tsutaerunda
Anata ga boku wo aishiteru ka aishitenai ka
Nante koto wa mou docchi demo ii n da
Donna ni negai nozomou ga
Kono sekai ni wa kaerarenu mono ga takusan aru darou
Sou soshite boku ga anata wo aishiteru to iu jijitsu dake wa
Dare ni mo kaerarenu shinjitsu dakara
Sen no yoru wo koete anata ni tsutaetai
Tsutaenakya naranai koto ga aru
Aisaretai demo aisou to shinai
Sono kurikaeshi no naka wo samayotte
Boku ga mitsuketa kotae wa hitotsu kowakutatte kizutsuitatte
Suki na hito ni wa suki tte tsutaeru n da
Kimochi wo kotoba ni suru no wa kowai yo demo
Suki na hito ni wa suki tte tsutaeru n da
Kono hiroi sekai de meguri au yorokobi wo kotoba jya ii arawasenai ne
Dakara bokutachi wa hohoemi
Iro azayaka ni sugiru aki wo doremi de utatte
Fuyu wo se ni haru no komorebi wo machi
Atarashiku umare kawaru dareka wo mamoreru youni to
Kita michi to yukisaki furikaereba itsudemo okubyou na me wo shite ita boku
Mukiaitai demo sunao ni narenai
Massugu ni aite wo aisenai hibi wo
Kurikaeshite wa hitoribocchi wo iyagatte
Ano hi no boku wa mukizu na mama de hito wo aisou to shite ita
Sen no yoru wo koete ima anata ni ai ni yukou
Tsutaenakya naranai koto ga aru
Aisaretai demo aisou to shinai
Sono kurikaeshi no naka wo samayotte
Boku ga mitsuketa kotae wa hitotsu kowakutatte kizutsuitatte
Suki na hito ni wa suki tte tsutaeru n da
Sono omoi ga kanawanakutatte suki na hito ni suki tte tsutaeru
Sore wa kono sekai de ichiban suteki na koto sa
Aqua Timez - Alones
Oreta awai tsubasa
Kimi wa sukoshi
Aosugiru sora ni tsukareta dake sa
Mou dareka no tame ja nakute
Jibun no tame ni waratte ii yo
Izen to shite shinobiyoru kodoku
Uchigawa ni tomoru rousoku
Nigiwau ba ni gouka na shanderia to wa urahara ni
Tarinai kotoba no
Kubomi o nani de umetara ii n' darou
Mou wakaranai yo
Semete yume no naka de
Jiyuu ni oyogetara anna sora mo iranai no ni
Kinou made no koto o
Nuritsubusa nakute mo asu ni mukaeru no ni
Oreta awai tsubasa
Kimi wa sukoshi
Aosugiru sora ni tsukareta dake sa
Mou dareka no tame ja nakute
Jibun no tame ni waratte ii yo
Rettoukan to no wakai wa
Kantan ni wa kanawanaisa
Jiishiki no teppen ni suwaru
Kagami ga utsusu hanabira
Furishiboru you ni
Kogoreta ai wo sakende miru keredo
Meguru toki no naka de
Kizuguchi wa yagate
Kasabuta ni kawatte iku
Kimi wa sore o matazu
Totemo utsukushiku
Totemo hakanage de
Hagare ochita ato no
Ubuge no you ni
Hi damari no naka de furueru inori
Ima wa muri ni dareka no koto wo
Ai sou to omowanakute ii no ni
Toki ni kono sekai wa
Ue wo muite
Aruku ni wa sukoshi mabushii sugiru ne
Shizumu you ni
Me wo fuseru to
Kawaita chimen ga namida wo susuru
What do you remember?
I know anytime
Subete wo uketomenakute ii yo
What do you remember?
I know anytime
Koraeru koto dakedo
Yuuki ja nai
~~new favorite song and artist..^^~~
July 25, 2009
Praktikal oh Praktikal
Dulu... mase first-first pergi daftar diri kat sekolah... nampak je cool... tapi padahal... kecut betol! rase cam nak bunuh diri je... muke pon kemut semacam.... aisehh....!
then, bile time observe tu.. budak2 tu wat hal lak... bising...! pressure btol aku jadi nye... rase cam nak bunuh orang je... tapi macam kejam la plak... tapi lecturer aku cakap aku ni tak sesuai jadi cikgu... cam lega pon ade gak...
kurang-kurang.. ade lah alasan aku kat mak aku untuk xpayah jadi ckgu... ermm... sejak prktikal ni gak... aku jadi makin mengantuk... kadang-kadang tu asek tersengguk-sengguk lam bilik guru...
and tiap2 kali masuk kelas... aku kne jerit....
. haih.. penat btol! sampai sakit2 tekak aku dibuatnya. budak2 tu plak layan aku macam kawan... boleh plak dorang
camni kat aku... aisehh...
tapi... bila da abeh ni... rasa cam semacam lak... . ape eh? ermm.... aku rasa... aku tahu ape rase tu.... itulah rase.... ehem....
BEBASSSSS!!!!! yeahhhh FREEDOM!!!
July 23, 2009
Tak Ada Kerja....
~~sad and happy~~
~~what a song~~
~~sooooo bad~~
~~please don't goooooo~~
test icon.... wakaka
July 17, 2009
Kawan OhKawan....
Erm... Aku tertanye2... Well sebenarnya dari dulu lagi... patut ke kita ada kawan? Untuk apa kita berkawan? Sampai sekarang aku tak mampu nak jawab soalan-soalan tu walaupun setiap hari aku dikelilingi dengan kawan-kawan. Kadang-kadang aku ada terfikir... Aku ni kawan yang baik ke? Dorang semua berkawan dengan aku dengan ikhlas ke tak? Atau... adakah aku berkawan dengan mereka dengan ikhlas atau sekadar mencukupkan syarat yang setiap manusia perlu berkawan?
Ermm.. Am I deserve to be the one? cam pelik lak kn? Aku rase aku ni bukan la kawan yang baik pon... hahaha... what ever la kn? yang penting aku tau aku macam mana... sakit hati... dendam... bengang.. marah atau apa sahaja yang aku rasa... aku tak fikir semuanya aku patut kongsi dengan kawan-kawan aku... dilupakan dan melupakan.. perkara biasa dalam hidup aku... hahahhaha (ketawa selgi boleh).
July 06, 2009
Love's In The Air

Hey, listen to this love song
made special for those,
Whose been in love,
Now and forever.
The pain once you felt,
Seemed to be forget,
There's no much left within you,
Since the last love,
Now it seems to come back,
[Open your heart]
Love's in the air,
I said to you,
See the love,
Glooming around you.
Be lovable,
That's the only thing I wanna say,
The sadness will disappear,
The happiness will come through.
LIsten to this love song
Made special for you,
For the lovers out there,
The hard times that you've been through,
Patience the only answer.
This love song will beat,
Until no more love left,
Till then, let's rock it,
love's in the air.
~~~Made special to all my friends~~~
July 04, 2009
Love That I Forget
[Love] Things that she tried to show,
[Hurt] Only hurting me,
I try to forget those sweet memories,
I try to forget those sweet promises,
[Run] I try to escape,
[Hide] From the reality,
The fact that I can’t face,
The truth that lies front my eyes,
Why should I?
Be the one that hurt,
Become the one who suffers,
Though things have nothing to do with me?
[The love that she gave,
The hurt that she left,
The sweet voice that I try to erase,
The thing that haunting me,
Every single night]
I run away from the fact,
Hide from everything,
Hoping for true love to find me.
June 25, 2009
Loved or Being Loved...?
People may say that I'm quit stupid,plus when it comes to this kind a questions. Well there's nothing different! being Loved or loved someone, at the end of it we are the one who'll suffer most. No matter how much we try, to be lovable but we still have to face some cicumstance. Without realizing it we have to make many sacrifice for something that we love. What a suck! Why can't we just leave it behind, and stop thinking about LOVE? It's still hurt even though we being loved and more hurt when we love that much (not just towards our families also friends, girlfriends or boyfriends). So why we should have the feeling? (Questions that I always ask myself actually.) Just one reason that I read before, God gives us the feeling. Like it or not, love is still in the air....